Help us to support patients with cancer at UCLH, and the staff who care for them.


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Give in celebration

Donating is the perfect way to celebrate some good news or as a way to acknowledge a particular time in yours or someone special's life, from joyful birthdays to weddings and births. A gift could mark those extra special occasions which are celebrated and made possible by lifesaving treatment, or having more time to enjoy with loved ones.

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Give in memory

Remember your loved one with a gift

Some people choose to acknowledge the care given to their friends and loved ones at UCLH with a donation. We recently received a gift from a family who fundraised for us to show their gratitude for the team who looked after their beloved mother and grandmother. They told us, "In the time our Mum was in UCLH's care, she was treated with incredible dignity, respect and care."​​ The family set up a tribute page, and as a result, their gift will ensure more patients are offered the same care by compassionate cancer division staff.

If you are collecting donations at a funeral, memorial service or other event, please do let us know if there is anything that we can help with. We can post donation envelopes, collection tins, or materials like leaflets or badges if you would like them. If you would like to set up a Tribute page to your loved one, so that friends and family can make online donations, you can do so through sites like JustGiving or MuchLoved, or a site of your own choosing.

To set up a tribute page via JustGiving you can visit our page at

MuchLoved is a dedicated memorial tribute site, where you can set up a page to remember someone special. To set up a page for the Cancer Fund, when setting up your tribute, search for 'UCLH Charity' in the charity and good causes section and later specify the Cancer Fund in your page details.

Making a donation via post or bank transfer

You can donate via post by writing a cheque payable to UCLH Charity Cancer Fund. If you would like to donate via cheque, please include '1131' as a reference, and send cheques to:

The Cancer Fund, UCLH Charity
University College Hospital
3rd Floor East
250 Euston Road
London NW1 2PG

Please do not send cash in the post.

If you would like to make a donation via bank transfer, please email us at, and we will give you details.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, you may be able to Gift Aid your donation – this means that we can claim an extra 25p from HM Revenue & Customs for every £1 that you donate, increasing your donation by 25%, all for free!

If you would like to declare Gift Aid for your donation, please use our online form, or get in touch for a paper copy.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about making a donation to the Cancer Fund.