Leave your own long-lasting legacy by pledging a gift to the Cancer Fund in your will

Some people choose to include the Cancer Fund in their will and leave a legacy by which they will be remembered. Anyone can leave a gift in their will, from a specific sum of money to shares in property or valued items. A will is an excellent way to be sure that particular wishes are carried out after death. The gift goes on to provide an improved experience for others with cancer.

If you would like to write your own will, please look at our FAQs below and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Free online will writing service

We are delighted to have teamed up with Octopus Legacy (formally known as Guardian Angel), a will-writing service provider. As a Cancer Fund supporter, they will write you a professional will for free (usually £90). Please use the code UCLHCANCERFUND-FREE in the checkout box. All we ask is that you considering leaving a gift to the Cancer Fund in your will.

Click the link here to visit our page on their website.

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Leaving a gift in your will is a powerful way to support the causes you care about, creating a brighter future for generations to come.

Your legacy has the power to transform lives. By leaving a gift in your will to UCLH Cancer Fund, you can help us provide exceptional support, pioneering research, and world-class care for patients with cancer, now and in the future.

Leaving a gift in your will involves adding a short paragraph (clause) to your will, and selecting the type of gift which you would like to leave. We would always suggest you use a qualified solicitor to assist you with this, and to help guide you with the most appropriate gift to leave.

Including Cancer Fund in a will can be as simple as adding a short clause to an existing will using a 'codicil'. A codicil is a simple, inexpensive way to make specific changes or additions to your will while leaving the remaining provisions as they are. You will need to ask your solicitor to draw up a codicil for you.

Legacy gifts come in all shapes and sizes, and every contribution makes a meaningful impact. Whether it’s a small percentage of your estate or a modest gift, your generosity can help fund vital research, enhance patient care, and support UCLH staff. What matters most is the thought and intention behind your gift, not the amount.

The cost of a will varies greatly depending on the estate's complexity and the person’s wishes. It’s a good idea to shop around for quotes for making your will and to look for STEP-qualified solicitors because this means they have specialist knowledge of wills and estates. The Law Society can recommend a solicitor for you. You can contact them on 020 7242 1222.

There are two main types of gifts that you can leave to a charity

This is a gift of all or part of what is left of your estate after everyone else has been taken care of. It is called the ‘residue’. Your will should include instructions on what to do with the residue.

This could be a specified sum of money, also known as a pecuniary gift. It could also be a specific item, such as a gift of jewellery, stocks or property.

We are always delighted to receive specific gifts, which can provide a much-needed boost to our cancer care. However, a residuary gift is the most effective way of remembering us in your will. Many people leave a share of their estate to charity after providing for loved ones. Even a tiny percentage of what’s left can make a huge difference.


Get in touch

Get in touch if you have any questions about leaving a gift in your will. Email us at cancerfund@uclhcharity.org.uk or call on 07977191780.