Recently we accepted an incredible donation of over 300 books, from the family of Michael Powis. We'll be sharing them with both patients and staff at Westmoreland Street Hospital.

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The books will be shared with both patients and staff, from waiting rooms to a new book trolley for the wards. This thoughtful contribution will undoubtedly brighten the days of countless patients and their families and carers during their time with us.

Westmoreland Street Hospital matron, Claire, tells us:

“Hospitals can feel isolating, often increasing anxiety and stress, but books can bring comfort and distraction. Did you know just 6 minutes of reading can lower stress by up to 68%.”

Ben, Michael's son, tells us about what inspired this wonderful donation:

“My father was unfortunately diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago and spent time in UCLH while he recovered from surgery. Although he made a full recovery and was given the all-clear from that battle with cancer thanks to the wonderful staff at UCLH, he has sadly now passed away here in Oxford. One of his wishes was that his large collection of books be donated to the hospital. He had so many warm and wonderful things to say about the people who cared for him during his time there. We’re so happy we got to fulfil one of dad’s last wishes.”

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